Master of Arts Program in Human and Social Development


Master of Arts Program in Human and Social Development


Master of Art (M.A)

Responsible Organization

  1. Social Research Institute
  2. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Political Science
  3. Institute of Asian Studies
  4. Chulalongkorn University

About the Course

  At present, the country’s development is emphasizing on economic progress along with social security and environmental sustainability as stated in the 8th, 9th and 10th National Economic and Social Development Plan, which reflects on national policy centralizing “human” and giving importance to the decentralization of government to the local level with participation of people from all levels and sectors. Human development and centralization causes Thai society demand for research personnel on human and social development with the multidisciplinary knowledge of social science and research experience, and the capability of applying them in social development to serve the needs of government agencies, private sectors and public organizations at various levels. The awareness of the importance of research personnel on human and social development leads to the collaboration of Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Political Science, Social Research Institute and Institute of Asian Studies in operating Master of Arts Program in Human and Social Development. This multidisciplinary program is under the responsibility of Graduate School aiming to generate the research personnel with specialty in Human and Social Development.

  The program was initiated in academic year 2002. The program was then revised in 2005 in response to the need for enhancement and the conformation with the social situation. The revision involves structural change by aborting the subject area and courses for Plan B, while Plan A(2) has its specific courses aborted and replaced with prescribed elective courses.

About the Course

  1. To generate research personnel with insight knowledge of human and social development, including the capability of applying knowledge for country development.
  2. To create quality research and multidisciplinary innovative knowledge in the field of social science for social and country development.

Determination Statement

The generation of research personnel for social development with the capability to utilize knowledge and experience for conducting research related to country development.

Entry Requirements

  • Bachelor Degree of any field with GPAX not less than 50.
  • CU-TEP score equivalent to TOEFL or IELTS.
  • The department graduate program administration committee considers that the applicants are qualified for this program.

Fees for entry

23,000 Baht per semester with extra education fees as declared by Graduate School.

Funding and Scholarship

Teaching assistants scholarship and other scholarship as declared by Graduate School, and Research Scholarship as research assistants with opportunities in future project.

Program Structure

Students enrolling in Plan A(2) must complete their coursework not less than 24 credits with GPA not less than 3.00, and they are required to undertake 12 credits of dissertation. It is compulsory to pass the proposal defense examination within fourth semester and then they may proceed to dissertation examination.

Plan A (Dissertation)
Total Credits36
  Coursework 24
– Compulsory Courses  12
– Specific Courses     9
Elective Courses3
  Dissertation 12

Course Description

  • 2016501 Social Development Theory 3 (3-0-9)

    Mainstream socio-economic development and alternative development theories; modernization and development; criticical theory; dependency theory; globalization process; growth of supra-national organizations and their impact on developing countries; conflicts,  pressure and forces resulted from the development of modern society; development of civil society; development process monitoring.
  • 22016503 Human and Social Research Methodology I 3 (2-6-4)

    Social science research concepts and methodologies with emphasis on quantitative techniques; research design; identification of research questions; literature review; selection of appropriate data collection techniques, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation and reporting of research results. Field work study.
  • 2016504 Human and Social Research Methodology II 3 (2-6-4)

    Social science research concepts and methodologies with emphasis on qualitative techniques; research problems; application of the search of knowledge to social science researches; multi-disciplinary research and development techniques; guidelines and approaches in human and social development.
  • 2016543 Practicum in Research on Human and Social Development in Asia 3 (2-6-4)

    Practicum in research on human and social development in Asia as technique in conducting field research; research-skill training; research-plan development; questionnaire design, impacts on economic, social and communities.
  • 2016544 Practicum in Research on Social Development 3 (1-6-5)

    Fieldwork and skill development in research planning and design; data collection techniques on community studies; development and its impacts on disadvantaged groups; human and social development data processing and analysis using basic statistical methods and qualitative analysis; fieldwork study.
  • 2016545 Human Development Issues and Social Policies 3 (3-0-9)

    Comparison of economic growth development and human centered development paradigms; human development index generated by the United Nations in 1990s; the incorporation of human centered development concept in world development arena; impact of human development in the last decade; quality of life, basic rights, freedom, social equity and human security.
  • 2016546 Social Impact and Conflict in Development 3 (2-6-4)

    Development issues in terms of social phenomenon, dynamic of development and process of social, cultural, economic and environmental changes;  development patterns affecting people’s ways of  life; social impacts on development projects at individual, community, national and regional levels; alternative development approaches and the process of people’s participation; development strategies towards approaches of sustainable development; field practices in order to understand all circumstances and conditions of social impacts from various development projects and strategies to reduce their social impacts.
  • 2016548 Asia and the World Community 3 (3-0-9)

    Asia as the origin of many cross border issues : diseases, environmental issues, terrorism and human rights; understanding the complexities of the issues in combination with multi-cultural setting in order to deal with cross border issues; attempt to solve cross border problems through understanding; relationship between Asia and supra-national organizations, interaction between groups within and outside the region, both at state to state level and people to people level.
  • 2016549 Government and Civil Society Sectors and Social Development 3 (3-0-9)

    Theoretical concept of leadership and organizational behavior; social process and movement; civil society; non-governmental organization (NGOs) and community’s organization; role of government and civil society in social development.; integration of organizations in social development; knowledge management in social development; challenging mainstream development paradigm; alternative paradigm in development from civil society.
  • 2016550 Seminar on Roles of Buddhism in Thai Society 3 (3-0-9)

    Concepts about Buddhism and development; importance of Buddhism to Buddhists in Thailand; roles and functions of Buddhism in social development; social transformation and change in religious ways at community and society levels; roles of sangha institutions from the past to the present.
  • 2016551 Cooperation for International Development in Asia 3 (3-0-9)

    Cooperation for international development in Asia between countries and group of countries in terms of economy, society, education and human securities; cooperation for development between Thai and neighbouring countries and sub-region in bilateral and multilateral forms, including trade, investment, industry, transportation, tourism and human resources development; impacts and changes from cooperation for international development.
  • 22016611 Local Wisdom and Sustainable Development 3 (2-6-4)

    Concepts and forms of local wisdom with regard to research and development by community; integrated system of learning and community self-reliance for sustainable development; socio-economic impacts on traditional ways of life and decline of traditional knowledge, wisdom and ways of life resulting from communication, technological development, and tourism; change acceptance and resistance of local community/society to globalizing phenomenon; conservative approach and attempts to study, revive, apply, and integrate local wisdom for current utilization including research and field work with regard to community learning process and creation of local bodies of knowledge for globalizing adaption.
  • 2016612 Urban Development and Planning 3 (3-0-9)

    Factors influencing the location, role, and expansion directions of urban settlements at different levels of community, from small villages to metropolises; urban spatial relations, problems and prospects of urban growth trend; prevention and solutions to problems through urban planning.
  • 2016616 Muslim World in Globalization Era 3 (3-0-9)
    MUSLIM WORLD                                                                                  

    Concepts of globalization, multi-culturalism, regionalism, economic integration; overview of Muslim World in Middle East and Southeast Asia; important issues in security, politics, economics, society and culture.
  • 2016701 Individual Study I 3 (0-0-12)

    Specific topics related to human and development according to the student’s interest under the instructor’s supervision.
  • 2016702 Individual Study II 3 (0-0-12)

    In-depth in specific topics related to human and development with emphasis on research methods and critical analysis of the topic under the supervision of the expert in the area.

2016811 Thesis 12 Credits

  • 2403691 Urban Anthropology 3 (3-0-9)

    The comparative study of urbanization; the social structure of cities, and the nature of urban life.
  • 2403702 Ethnic Studies 3 (3-0-9)
    ETHNIC STUDIES                                                                          

    Historical perspective of ethic groups in Thailand; cultural characteristics of principal minorities; cultural conflict, accommodation, assimilation.